Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Governor Sanford: Resign!

One of the things that RC values above all else (at least in the realm of discourse) is intellectual honesty and consistency. Since the RC values that in others and wishes he saw more of it, he feels compelled to strive to demonstrate those same ideals.

So, in that spirit, and not because he thinks it will make any difference at all, the RC is compelled to say: "Governor Sanford, resign!"

Sir, you have disgraced your office and embarrassed your family. You are now a media freak-show and are a huge distraction from the enormous and dangerous changes the President and a Democratic congress are trying to push through. You allow the Left to say, "See, all those religious conservatives are just hypocrites."

On a human level I feel truly sorry for you. I don't judge or condemn you. But please, for the good of your state, the Republican party, and most of all, your family, please, please leave. Now.

Beyond the fact that you broke your most serious vows, the fact that you were AWOL and incommunicado for several days is irresponsible and leaves serious questions about your judgment.

Friday, June 26, 2009

More fun with government healthcare

Read this story. In sum, the VA sort of, well, basically just overlooked the fact that the endoscopes they were using were not being sterilized. So, people were getting colonoscopies, as well as having procedures in their noses and throats with unsterilized endoscopes.

The RC does not wish to be indelicate, but this means that people were getting colonoscopies and nose and throat procedures with the same endoscopes that had been in other people's colons, noses, and throats. And they hadn't been sterilized.

But the VA is really sorry about it.

Some of these people may now have HIV and Hepatitis because of this.

This shows two reasons why none of us should want the government involved in our healthcare.

First of all is the fact that large government operations like the VA just do a bad job. They are inefficient and sloppy--so they overlook tiny details like sterilizing this kind of equipment.

But beyond that, when mistakes happen, there is very little recourse.

Set aside the tiny odds that this would have happened at a private facility and imagine that it did. If this had happened at a private hospital or doctor's office, the victims of such mind-numbing idiocy could sue for damages and at least live a reasonably comfortable life based on the proceeds.

But now they get nothing. The leaders of the VA got a tongue lashing at a Congressional hearing, but if you have HIV I'm thinking that is fairly cold comfort.

Friday, June 12, 2009

This is serious!

Ok, you need to check this link out. The Brookings Institution, hardly part of the vast right-wing conspiracy calculates that if the Waxman-Markey Climate bill is made law it will add cost 9 TRILLION, yes TRILLION dollars. This will, obviously, have a significant effect on our economy.

This is all because of the cap-and-trade policy that the bill would make law. Because this is designed to make us use less power, the cost of that power will go way up (I've read estimates of between 40 to 90%) and with that, any product that uses power in its manufacture, production, or distribution. In other words, just about everything.

Call your congressman or woman today and tell them NO on Waxman-Markey!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Obama's Date with Broadway

Well, there’s been a bit of a flap lately about President Obama taking Mrs. Obama to go see a play on Broadway. The RNC is condemning this action and so there has been a minor flap.

It seems to me that this is really a non-issue. I am not a fan of the President. I think he is destroying our country’s present and future, either because he’s misguided or malicious. But you know, if he wants to go with is wife to see a play, so what? Yes, it was at taxpayer expense, and I suppose with all the money he made on his book it would be good of him to repay that to the treasury. But the truth is that pretty much everything the President (any of them) does is at taxpayer expense.

I feel compelled to point out the obvious: he doesn’t have the option of jumping into a passenger jet, flying to NYC, and then taking a cab from LaGuardia. That’s not realistic. Because of security and protocol, there is only one way for him to travel. Does this mean that he needs to be a hermit and never go anywhere or do anything?

Now, President Clinton abused this, I think. He went to NYC all the time and would close down major thoroughfares for hours. This was routine. I think that’s a problem. But come on, going out on a date once in a while?

It seems to me that the RNC is extremely tone-deaf. This is going to make them look like bullies. As soon as they picked this fight they lost. And they deserve to.

One thing that does grate though, is how agog the press is that the President and First Lady went on a date. It's gross. The press need to get lives. Also, they are rankly hypocritical. Can you imagine the outrage and indignation had the Bushes done something like this? Spittle would have been flying from the mouths of wild-eyed reporters as scowling anchors solemnly compared this to Nero fiddling while Rome was burning. That is annoying. But that's not the Obama's fault.

Mr. President: I hope you enjoyed your date. More power to you.

Ok, now can we get back to all the stuff that we should be criticizing: the bajillion dollar stimulus/piƱata for left-wing groups, the green economy boondoggle, appointing judges who think law is made in appellate courts, and the attempt to bring the efficiency and sensitivity of the DMV and post office into our health care system?


I have been busy with lots of real-life stuff lately so I haven’t been able to follow the news much, which means I have had very little to say about anything. But I just heard about the murder of the doctor who performed abortions.

I just want to say that I think this is a terrible thing. It is murder and it is wrong. Beyond being morally wrong, it is a dangerous for all of us. To the extent that we, as a country, live within the law we are reasonably safe. To the extent we slip away from that, any of us is in danger.

I think that it is really important for people who oppose abortion to be clear about this and to disassociate ourselves from people who do terrible things. Whether you are killing an adult or a baby, murder is wrong and ugly.