Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The RC is elated! Ecstatic! Jubilant! In fact, the RC has not felt so euphoric since 1994 when the Republicans swept into Congress for the first time in a generation.

Congratulations, Senator Brown (R., Mass.)!!!!

The RC is so excited that he has decided to post something again. Actually, he has been wanting to post for some time now. Happily, a major lifestyle change just occured which will free the RC to post the incisive commentary and analysis that all two of you have come to depend on. Or at least are kind enough to read.

At any rate, as I ponder the news tonight--a Republican won Ted Kennedy's seat in Massachussets--I am convinced more than ever that all is not lost. This country is still America and majority of Americans want it to remain that way.

There are battles head, but tonight gives us great reason to hope!


  1. I hear you, although watching his victory speach, I began to wonder about him a little. Hmmmn. Anyway, hopefully he'll vote responsibly and help stop the government from getting any bigger and into anything else. I'm looking forward to you being able to blog more. btw, Anna is devouring your book - in fact she's in BIG trouble because she stayed up til 11:30 last night!!!!!

  2. I have been impressed about his take on the open "seat" and how he said it wasn't a Democrat seat or a Republican seat it was the peoples seat. I really hope that he votes responsibly and according to the desires of the people he represents.

  3. Ange, I hear you. The truth is that he is a Northeastern Republican who will probably frustrate us frequently. I heard him described, for example, as to the right of Ben Nelson but the left of Olympia Snowe. Disappointing, perhaps.

    However, he is MORE conservative than Martha Coakley would have been and Ted Kennedy was--and the simple fact that he was elected has scared the Democrats to death and at least caused some pause to the disastrous health care bill.

  4. I'm in major celebration mode as well!!!

  5. Hear, hear!! Glad to have you back.
